Hire a Professional Photographer.

For the couples that are planning their weddings for 2011, and are starting the very hard task of choosing a wedding photographer to cover that very important day you have a very tuff job ahead of you. As you very well know there are hundreds of wedding photographers out there.

Try not to let the almighty dollar get in your way in picking your photographer. As the saying  goes, The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of the low price is forgotten.

I do not know how many times couples have said to me” I should have hired a professional photographer to cover my wedding. We have a disc with all these photos on it and do not know what to do with them”.

When I am hired to photograph a wedding I  shoot for that finished album, meaning when I take images I am also   designing the album spreads or pages in my head. To me this is very important.

I hear people spending more money on the wedding cake than they do on their photographer. People have spent months, weeks, days, hours, planning and deciding on details not to mention the thousands of dollars for the  cost of the wedding, then cut back on their photographer and get a disc at the end of the day with no album or quality images  to show in the years to come to family and friends.

How many times have I heard this, ” you must have a good camera”. Believe me there is a lot more to it than having a good camera. That is like telling J.K. Rowling she has a good pen.

Hire a Good Professional .

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