Engagement portraits of Erin and Chris, Caledonia,Ontario.

Meet Erin and Chris.

Erin and all her family go back a few years now. I have had the honor to photograph all of the siblings, Melissa was the first wedding I covered , next was Matt and now it is Erin’s turn. Erin and Chris wedding is coming up in a few weeks, and I am looking forward to meeting everyone again.

Their wedding reception is going to be held at LasalleĀ  Park Pavilion in Burlington, May 24th.

Erin and Chris had two old bicycles they want to use for the engagement shoot that sounded great, I suggested Caledonia it has the old town old town look with the old bridge and train station would give there engagement portraits a dated look.

The day we pick was beautiful and the shoot was going well until Chris remembered he had left his wallet under a bench we used earlier. You got to agree that is the worst feeling loosing your wallet.

So off he went jumped in his car, got there no wallet, he ran down to people that were fishing at the grand river, no luck. But it just so happen a lady saw him looking for something from a distance so she walked back to Chris and asked him I guess you are looking for your wallet, and Chris said he gave her a big hug and thanked her. That must have been a big relieve.

It is good to know there are honest people around.

And here is a little taste of the shoots.

Looking forward to the wedding.

Erin and Chris Caledonia

Bicycle not built for two.

Erin and Chris engagement portraits



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